Saturday, May 14, 2016

Waiting Game

Nothing new to really report from Palo Alto. Baby Max is stable and seems to be quite happy staying put for a few more days. He keeps passing his Non-Stress tests with flying colors and seems perfectly happy destroying my ribs and hips. I have been feeling pretty good... or as good as you can feel at 38 weeks pregnant.

Brad finally made it up here for good yesterday and will be on paid leave from Deloitte for the next 8+ weeks. Thanks Deloitte for being so generous with parental leave... in our situation it truly is a blessing! The c-section is still scheduled for May 20th at 12pm. I am not sure who will be performing my c-section but we know the proper Neonatology and Cardiothoracic will be in place ready to help our little guy. Molly is super excited to meet her little brother and talks about it non-stop. Luke on the other hand could care less and has no idea what is coming. Ready or not, in 6 days (or less) we will officially be a family of 5! Please keep our little guy in your thoughts and prayers.

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